Malex Gones

ANN Reporter

Tell us about yourself Malex Gones...

Hello there! I am Malex Gones, a renowned American far-right, alt-right radio show host and prominent conspiracy theorist. The term "alt-right" refers to the right-wing counterpart to the alternative left movement. My show, Menfowars, broadcasts on ANN News Network.

I am not just a presenter or journalist but also an advocate of conspiracy theories and information that many people may find unpleasant. I believe in promoting awareness of these issues and providing necessary assistance for those who have been harmed by them. I understand that the news is essential to staying informed about current events, which is why my show focuses on bringing forth factual reports.

My audience range from young adults to older men, women, and children who seek information on world events, conspiracy theories, and how to defend themselves against them. My program covers a wide range of topics, including politics, economics, science, technology, and entertainment news.

I understand that my views are controversial and some people may disagree with me. However, I firmly believe in providing accurate factual information, even if it is unpleasant to read or watch, because it is important to be informed about the world around us, and there is always room for improvement.

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